Our Story

We believe that everything happens for a reason. We’ve talked about various events in our lives which if they never happened, we would have never met and fallen in love. Fate. Destiny. Whatever you call it, we were meant to find each other.

We met through our previous jobs but never worked on the same event. Originally, Leah wasn’t really even aware of Eric; the first two times they met or when he was doing everything in his power to show he was interested.

August 2008. Denver was hosting the Democratic National Convention (DNC).  Leah’s company was essential to bringing the convention to the city and Eric was volunteering with a friend at the media party. Our mutual friend and co-worker, Tiffany, was the familiar face and connection between us. The night of the DNC media party, Eric realized Leah intrigued him and Leah was completely unaware that Eric was even hitting on her, despite his best efforts. Even though our friends could see what was going on.

At the end of the night, Tiffany helped Leah realize that Eric had been hitting on her all night.  Tiffany played the ultimate wing woman and quickly got in a cab so Eric could drive Leah to her car.  In the end, he asked her to go out on a date. Leah left for vacation to Mexico with friends the next day, so we decided to get together upon her return.

Unfortunately, Mexican food didn’t agree with her and she had to keep postponing their first date. After rescheduling a third time, we agreed that Eric would go to Leah’s house to watch a movie. Still not feeling the best she insisted that they sit on separate couches. 

While watching the movie, Leah finally got her appetite back. Eric scrounged through her kitchen to try to make something to eat. Not having gotten any groceries since her return, Eric could only find a box of mac n’ cheese and vanilla soymilk in the fridge. We’ve never tried it again as it was absolutely disgusting.

We agreed to schedule a real dinner date out a week later. Sushi, wine, cheese and downtown Denver were the plan.  We lingered at each of our stops getting to know each other and getting lost in conversation.  Neither of us wanted the date to end and trekked to three different restaurants.

Right away we both knew this is it. We’d found our soul mate and were the happiest when we were together. A little over a year later, Eric proposed on Christmas Eve in downtown Denver in front of the City and County Building which is entirely lit up with lights for the holiday.

We had spoken a week earlier about taking a Christmas photo in front of the building. So after visiting Leah’s sister and brother-in-law, we stopped on our way home to take the picture. The weather was frigid and Leah asked if she could wait in the car as Eric trampled through the snow to set up the tripod and camera. After multiple photos and Eric determined that we needed to take yet another one, he set the timer and ran back quickly to Leah and got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. And the one photo that turned out was him proposing. Obviously she said yes.